Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kenya - Maasai and Luo Tribes

Sunday 9-19-2010: We left today to go the Kenya as Short term missionaries. Our team consist of Will Gatling, Walter Haskins, Mimi Brummitt, Lena Reyes, Bill Howard, Ashley and Taylor Hemphill, Dawn Hughes, Andrea Horne, Allen Gayle, Mardie Gibbs, Linda Tyler, Stephanie Hutchinson and myself Howard Satterfield. We were suppose to fly to Detroit on to Amsterdam, Nerderland and the to Nairobi, Kenya. Well we did follow that route but due to an engine problem in Detriot we ended up with a 24 hour layover in Amsterdam.

Monday 9-20-2010: Instead of spending the night in Nairobi, we spent the afternoon in touring Amsterdam and spent the night there.

Tuesday 9-21-2010: Flew to Nairobi and landed early evening. Got to the Jacaronda around 8:00 p.m. Kenya time.

Wednesday 9-22-2010: We got an early start today by flying Kenya Airways to Kisumu. In Kisumu went straight to The Imperial Hotel to check in and quickly went out to Dega Lera Church for the Pastors and Womens Conference. Our Luo freinds were waiting to greet us. Today Allen Gayle and Peyton Joyner took the lead in teaching the Kenyan Pastors. Linda Tyler and Mardie Gibbs lead the women in their lessons. In the meantime, Ashley and Taylor Hemphill went to a nearby school with children of ages 3 years old to 6 years old. It was a great day for me to be around the children that had gather around the conference site. It was a good first day for all of us but we all went back to the hotel exhausted. After dinner we prepared for the next day, since we did not have our supplies today. Our supplies and lugguage came during the day by land transportation.

Thursday 9-23-2010: The team went back to the same site as yesterday to continue the conference. Today was Bill Howard's and my turn to teach. Bill and I complemented each other with Bill teaching the Book of John and I did the Book of Genesis. It is all about "In the begining was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Between our two studies, Bill and I stired a lot of question about Christian living. Over at the women's tent was Mimi Brummitt and Lena Reyes. God lead them away from their prepared lessons and they spoke to the women from their hearts. Ashley and Taylor went back to the school for the second day.

Friday 9-24-2010: Another early day with a flight back to Nairobi to meet our drivers for the ride to Kiserian. It took about two hours to drive to our hotel The Whistling Thorne. after a quick check in we picked up Pastor Peter Olonapa and went to a Maasai School. The teachers, men and women greeted us in Maasai manner. Graciosly and very hospitable. While Ashely and Taylor lead the team with the children, Lena and I spent time with some of the Maasai women. We shared our stories and had some of the women share their stories. It turn out to be a great question and answer session. As we arrived back at The Whistling Thorne, the sun was slow setting and God's beautiful county side was shown to me. This place is a quite and peaceful. The food is good also.

Saturday 9-25-2010: After leaving Kisumu on Friday we came to the Whistling Thorn to spend a few days in Maasailand. We joined Pastor Peter Olonapa of the Maasai tribe and on Saturday went to a church where Peyton and Bill taught to over 100 Pastors then Lena and Dawn taught 300 womens. Ashley, Taylor and Andrea worked with approximately 100 children. While they all were teaching, Bill, Mimi and I went out evangelizing. We went to a near by Boma (family village or compound) and met a christian family. The family's elder male had broken his hip and has many needs for us to pray for. Mimi shared her testimony and then Bill started speaking when a 28 year old male family member decided he wanted to follow Jesus. He prayed to accept Jesus Christ as his savior.

Sunday 9-26-2010: Today we went to Pastor Peter's Church, Liberty Baptist Church, to worship and to be a part of his building ground breaking. We arrived a little early, but soon after the children started to gather for Sunday School. Ashley, Taylor and Andrea the children two bible stories and worked with them to create a Simba puppet (lion). The children loved coloring the lion's face and mouth, but after we cut out the face and mouth then glue them onto paper bags, their faces lit up with happiness. I could not help but notice how something so simple meant a lot to the little children. By this time the adults started to show up for church and it was time to start the worship service. The ladies and children sang and danced praising God. We then marched around the church property singing praises then Will and Walt laid the cornerstone to the building. I loved their faith and vision for their church campus. Evan though they can only do one small portion for now. they had laid out their entire vision for their campus with laying rocks on the ground in form of their future buildings. After introductions of many guest for the days the ladies and children sang and danced praises to God again. After our 4-1/2 hour worship service, Bill Peyton and I went with the men for devotion and prayer, while Lena, Mimi and Dawn spoke with the ladies. Ashley, Taylor and Andrea told some more children stories. They passed out some gifts to the children including some of the dolls Mrs. Cleo Barbour and friends made for them. The little girls faces were bright and shining we joy. The team ended our time with Liberty Baptist Church with traditional Maasai bush meal. We went out into the bush and shared a meal with several Maasai Pastors.

Monday 9-27-2010: Sorry for not being able to keep you up to date from Kenya. We are at the Whistling Thorn Hotel near Kiserian and internet service is not available without an air card for the computer. Even with the air cards we were in an internet blackout. The service on the air card was poor and weak.

Monday 9-27-2010: Today we split up into three team and ended up in three different locations. The children's team went back to the community where Liberty Baptist Church exsist. The ladies taught some women at another location while Bill, Peyton and I went to third location to do a Pastor's Conference. The host church, Naibor-Omom Baptist Church, was in a very isolated location, but we had approximately 30 Pastors. These men had to walk for hours to get there. Peyton taught from the Book of Ephesians, while I taught the first two chapters of Genesis. They were taught about the creation of the earth and man then they learned about christian living. Then thing that was encouraging to me is how these Pastors praised and pray to God. They sang and danced with joy. Their prayers were full of praise and each man chanted his prayers to God.

Tuesday 9-28-2010: Have you ever gone down a road and thought you were headed to nowhere? Well today we went down that road and found out where nowhere exsist. We drove for two hours on dirt paths and came to a Maasai church. Pastor Moses greeted us with a warm welcome. After some praise and worship time we split into small groups of men, women and children. Will, Bill and Peyton went with the men under a shade tree and spoke on false religions plus the Book of John. Dawn, Lena and Mimi worked with the women on women christian living and santitation. As usual Ashley, Taylor and Andrea did an awesome job telling bible stories, coloring and teaching the kids songs. The highlight of the day was sing and dancing with the children and then the mother coming over for a preformance. So many times the parents of the Maasai children seem distance from their child.

Wednesday 9-29-2010 We drove to Amboseli National Park for some much deserved break in the Safari. Flying out on Friday for United States and will be home on Saturday.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kisumu Kenya

I have finally found some time to share with you from Kenya. Our Schedule has been very busy since we are behind on man's schedule. We had an unexpected 24 hour layover in Amsterdam, Nederland. The plane in Detroit had engine trouble, so by the time we made Amsterdam, we missed our connection and could not get another suitable flight for 24 hours.
One Wednesday we flew to Kisumu and went to the hotel and then directly out to Dega Lera Church. It was great to see my Kenyan friends. While some were teaching, I went to a local pre-school, watch Ashley and Taylor teach some of the most precious children I have ever met. They were a delight. On Thursday, I taught the Pastors of the Kisumu Baptist Conference all I knew about the book of Genesis. These men and women were so attentive and full of questions. Today we passed out salvation dolls that Mrs. Cleo Barbour and friends made. The children loved them. It has been a delightful and touching few days.
Tomorrow we head south of Nairobi to another school and then out to Maassail for four days.

God is good all the time.

Howard Satterfield

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kenya - September 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

Kenya September 2010

Hocutt Baptist Church, Bayleaf Baptist Church and other churches are leaving for Kenya on September 19th. We have a team of 15 people and once we arrive in Nairobi we will split into 3 team. Here is the itinerary for Team 1.

Sunday Sept. 19 Leave RDU Airport
Monday Sept. 20 Arrive in Nairobi late evening
Tuesday Sept. 21 Fly to Kisumu, Evangelize in the afternoon
Wednesday Sept. 22 Pastor School and Women's Conferences
Thursday Sept. 23 Pastor School and Womens's Conferences
Friday Sept. 24 Fly to Nairobi, Evangelism in Maasailand
Saturday Sept. 25 Pastor School and Womens Conferences
Sunday Sept. 26 Worship in Maasai local churches
Monday Sept. 27 Pastor School and Women's Conferences
Tuesday Sept. 28 Pastor School and Women's Conferences
Wednesday Sept. 29 Travel to Amboseli
Thursday Sept. 30 Travel to Nairobi
Friday Oct. 1 Nairobi, Leave for US late evening
Saturday Oct. 2 Arrive RDU late afternoon

Your Prayers are greatly appreciated.

Howard Satterfield
Hocutt Baptist Church

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pics of the work

Haiti Updates

I wanted to give everybody a quick update. It is still very hot, so pray for us to keep hydrating as we build the houses. We were able to build five houses this morning. David is on the wrapping crew and gets to sing and pray with all the families. It is an incredible experience. I was able to capture it on my camera and hope to be able to post it soon. Chad and I are on the framing crew, so we get to do a little bit of everything from making sure it is level to climbing on the roof to put in the rafters. It has been so neat to join with Haitians and totally change their lives. They go from living in a tent or some pile of rubble to a structure with beds and a roof, but more importantly we have seen people's lives changes for the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have lots of stories to tell, but I wanted to let everybody we are doing well. Please pray for our physical stamina, the heat and long days make it difficult. Not to mention the blisters and aching bones. However, to see the smile and joy the family has when we pray over a completed house somehow makes that all seem insignificant.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Exploring Haiti

I wanted to keep everyone updated on all that God is doing in Haiti. Chad, David and I have had the opportunity to be a part of building fifteen complete houses which will sleep over 90 people. We have also seen 6 people come to Christ. Haiti has been very hot, and the days are long, but I think I speak for the whole team when I say it has been very refreshing to work alongside the Haitians building their houses and spreading the love of Christ.

In Christ,


Haiti Team Update

Our team has arrived safely in Haiti. They are blessed to stay at a large compound.

The first day they built 7 temporary houses. The will continue to do that each day.

As of day two - their team has lead three people to the Lord and ministered to many.

Please keep them in your prayers as they continue to work.

Here are some pictures from their trip so far:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

WOW! What a week we have had. I would liked to have had internet, but we were in bush country! On Monday, we drove to Ololasalie and after checking in at our cabins, we drove another two hours. After the adventure of getting stuck in the mud and being pulled out, we were greeted by 250 Masai! They were singing and dancing and so happy to see the Muzunga. What an amazing sight to see all those happy faces just waiting to hear God's Word. We were barely able to share the Word of God, a storm came up and we had to leave. A young child there had a seizure and Peggy ministered to her. The people were so moved that we drove so far to see them. When we looked around, we saw no houses. Where did all these people come from? Before leaving, they showered us with gifts of their beautiful jewelry. On Tuesday, we had 84 women and about 40 men. Pastor Steve preached and Pastor Ron preached, each delivering a powerful message. JoAnne, Mimi, Peggy and I taught the women under the trees. Then they fed us lunch at 4:00PM! Goat stew, just got to get that recipe. The potatoes and carrots were great! Pray for this area, as they are dealing with an outbreak of Cholera. Two children and their mother died on Monday and the rest of the family is in the hospital.
Yesterday, we went out evangelizing in the area of Pastor Peter's Masai home. We met one of his step-mothers and had chai with her. Wayne was such a trooper and drank as much of the chai as he could. They kept putting sugar in his cup. We went by a school that would just make you want to cry! These children (17 of them) are just under a tree and a young Masai boy is teaching them. Most Masai cannot read because schools are so far away and no school buses. JoAnne shared Jesus with them and they were so attentive. We went on down the road and taught some more. Our men took the men under the trees and shared with them and us ladies taught the women. Then on to still another stop at a church that had been flooded and almost washed away. It was so hot, but even so, more than 100 ladies showed up to hear us. Peggy shared her testimony and they were so glad to know that all Americans are not perfect! Isn't that amazing, they think we are perfect! Mimi shared stories about women in the Bible and I shared the virtuous woman from Proverbs 31. Three ladies said they could read but did not have a Bible. They are not allowed to touch their husband's Bible (if he has one). Thank the Lord that we had three Bibles (in Masai language) to hand out. Today, we are winding down and I am so happy to be coming home. It has been a wonderful trip and we have all fallen in love with the Masai women, but I am missing Joe and am ready to come home.
We are all very weary, but it is a good weary. Many people prayed to receive Christ and for this we are thankful to God. Pray for these people, can you imagine that your first prayer to God every day when you awake is 'Thank You God for protecting me from harm during the night'? Of course that should be our prayer and maybe for some of you, it is, but for most of us, we take that for granted.
This connection is so slow, so I have only updated one picture. I will add more later. Please excuse my grammar as I am very tired.
Your sister in Christ,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

These children gave their lives to Christ today!

A Maasai woman and her daughter who goes to Legacy School

Legacy School in Narok, Kenya

Update for February 21st

Dear Prayer Warriors,
I just wanted to give a quick update for today as we are not sure if we will have Internet in Olokasari tomorrow. Today was a very good day! Wayne and I delivered the message at Pastor Hesborne's church. I taught the little children Sunday School and Wayne brought a wonderful message from God about His love. Several people came down the aisle for rededication. I had the opportunity to sit with Vivian (little Betsy's mother). I am afraid Betsy is still afraid of me! Vivian is still very sad at the loss of her baby daughter, Dawn. Continue to pray for this family.
Pastor Steve and JoAnne went to another church and JoAnne blessed them with her singing and Pastor Steve delivered a wonderful message from God.
The rest of the team went to Pastor Patrick's church and taught and sang with the people there. Three adults and six children were saved at Ranjera Baptist Church...Praise God.
This afternoon, we travel by plane to Nairobi and then tomorrow we travel by van to Olokasari. Pray for safe travel for us. Pray for the hearts of the Masai to be softened to hear God's Word. Also pray that the 300-500 women will show up that they are expecting....Amen.
Your sister in Christ, Betsy
PS....Pastor Steve wanted you to know the temperature is still 95!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update Saturday Feb. 20th

Well folks, so sorry we have not had very good luck with internet service, but glad we finally got on thru the hotel computer! We are all doing 'very fine' (a Kenya saying), but true. No one is sick and our travel has been safe. Our first stop was at Legacy School and the children were wonderful! 47 children prayed to receive Christ! We were all so excited. JoAnne shared the 'True Love Waits' program with the older girls (not what she was expecting, but what God had planned). I learned some things myself! Wayne and Pastor Steve shared with the older boys. Mimi and Peggy had the young children. It was wonderful being with them and listening to their songs.
Next on to Kisumu and actually helped start a new church! Emani Baptist Church (which is a preaching point at this time). We all went out evangelizing from home to home and 45 people prayed to receive Christ in the neighborhood. Then Pastor Steve preached to the people who came 'under the tree' and three more men prayed to receive Christ.
Then on Friday we saw the first Kisumu Pastor's School graduation where 15 pastors graduated. It was a fine event, really fine! The graduates have worked very hard and lots of people were there, including their bishop from the association. They were given much encouragement to continue to study their Bibles and lead people to Christ.
The Women's Conference was today and I was able to teach my lesson that God gave me last year. We all had a wonderful time teaching and even had 40 children to teach as well. God is truly expanding our limits! It was a great day today and 20 more children prayed to receive Christ.
I will let Pastor Steve give you a word....your sister in Christ, Betsy

Hello everyone! Pastor Steve here. We are doing fine and having a great week. Wayne and I led the Men's conference today. Wayne taught Baptist Doctrine and I taught the Gospel of John to two different groups of men. I was asked some very good questions from our study. These men are eager to learn and know God's Word. One of the more humbling questions was "why is gay marriage allowed in America?" The Kenyans know it is wrong and wanted to know about America's attitude about it. I asked them to pray for us and our country.
Tomorrow we will split up into three teams and lead worship in three different churches. Pray for us as we preach and teach in these churches. We fly back to Nairobi tomorrow night and begin our first ever conference to the Masai people about one and one-half hours south of Nairobi on Monday. Please continue to pray for our meetings this week as we minister.
P.S. The temperature here in Kisumu is 95 degrees!
God bless you dear church.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


We wanted to let you know that we have not heard from the team today. According to their itinerary, they are traveling to Kisumu. They will be working at the Pastor's School. We will update this to let you know how they are doing as soon as we hear from the team.

Here is a picture from the pastor's school. Keep these pastors in your prayers as they are being equipped to bring the gospel to their people.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Team arrived in Nairobi

The team arrived safely in Nairobi last night. They are traveling to Narok. Please be praying for travel safety. They will be working in Narok at the Legacy School. Be in prayer as they work with the students there.

Here is a picture from last year at the Legacy School..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kenya 2010

Please be in prayer for the Kenya team as they leave on Sunday, February 14th.

Please check back here for updates on their trip.

We will be hearing from the team and updating this blog with reports from the mission field.

Team Members:
Peggy Campbell
Wayne Harrifield
Walter Haskins (from Bayleaf Baptist)
JoAnne Roy
Steve Roy
Betsy Vaughan

2/14/10 - Leave for Kenya (late PM)
2/15/10 - Arrive in Nairobi (late PM)
2/16/10 - Travel to Narok - Legacy School
2/17/10 - Narok - Legacy School
2/18/10 - Travel to Kisumu - Pastor's School or Evangelism
2/19/10 - Kisumu - Pastor's Graduation
2/20/10 - Kisumu - Pastor's School & Women's Conference
2/21/10 - Kisumu - Worship in Local Churches / Fly to Nairobi (PM)
2/22/10 - Travel to Olokisalie - Maasai Pastor's and Women's Conference
2/23/10 - Olokisalie - Maasai Pastor's and Women's Conference
2/24/10 - Olokisalie - Evenagelism in Maasailand
2/25/10 - Travel to Nairobi - Visit Museums / Parks
2/26/10 - Nairobi - Visit Museums / Shopping / Leave for US (late PM)
2/27/10 - Arrive RDU (Mid-Afternoon)