Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kisumu Kenya

I have finally found some time to share with you from Kenya. Our Schedule has been very busy since we are behind on man's schedule. We had an unexpected 24 hour layover in Amsterdam, Nederland. The plane in Detroit had engine trouble, so by the time we made Amsterdam, we missed our connection and could not get another suitable flight for 24 hours.
One Wednesday we flew to Kisumu and went to the hotel and then directly out to Dega Lera Church. It was great to see my Kenyan friends. While some were teaching, I went to a local pre-school, watch Ashley and Taylor teach some of the most precious children I have ever met. They were a delight. On Thursday, I taught the Pastors of the Kisumu Baptist Conference all I knew about the book of Genesis. These men and women were so attentive and full of questions. Today we passed out salvation dolls that Mrs. Cleo Barbour and friends made. The children loved them. It has been a delightful and touching few days.
Tomorrow we head south of Nairobi to another school and then out to Maassail for four days.

God is good all the time.

Howard Satterfield

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