Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update Saturday Feb. 20th

Well folks, so sorry we have not had very good luck with internet service, but glad we finally got on thru the hotel computer! We are all doing 'very fine' (a Kenya saying), but true. No one is sick and our travel has been safe. Our first stop was at Legacy School and the children were wonderful! 47 children prayed to receive Christ! We were all so excited. JoAnne shared the 'True Love Waits' program with the older girls (not what she was expecting, but what God had planned). I learned some things myself! Wayne and Pastor Steve shared with the older boys. Mimi and Peggy had the young children. It was wonderful being with them and listening to their songs.
Next on to Kisumu and actually helped start a new church! Emani Baptist Church (which is a preaching point at this time). We all went out evangelizing from home to home and 45 people prayed to receive Christ in the neighborhood. Then Pastor Steve preached to the people who came 'under the tree' and three more men prayed to receive Christ.
Then on Friday we saw the first Kisumu Pastor's School graduation where 15 pastors graduated. It was a fine event, really fine! The graduates have worked very hard and lots of people were there, including their bishop from the association. They were given much encouragement to continue to study their Bibles and lead people to Christ.
The Women's Conference was today and I was able to teach my lesson that God gave me last year. We all had a wonderful time teaching and even had 40 children to teach as well. God is truly expanding our limits! It was a great day today and 20 more children prayed to receive Christ.
I will let Pastor Steve give you a word....your sister in Christ, Betsy

Hello everyone! Pastor Steve here. We are doing fine and having a great week. Wayne and I led the Men's conference today. Wayne taught Baptist Doctrine and I taught the Gospel of John to two different groups of men. I was asked some very good questions from our study. These men are eager to learn and know God's Word. One of the more humbling questions was "why is gay marriage allowed in America?" The Kenyans know it is wrong and wanted to know about America's attitude about it. I asked them to pray for us and our country.
Tomorrow we will split up into three teams and lead worship in three different churches. Pray for us as we preach and teach in these churches. We fly back to Nairobi tomorrow night and begin our first ever conference to the Masai people about one and one-half hours south of Nairobi on Monday. Please continue to pray for our meetings this week as we minister.
P.S. The temperature here in Kisumu is 95 degrees!
God bless you dear church.

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