Thursday, May 20, 2010

Haiti Updates

I wanted to give everybody a quick update. It is still very hot, so pray for us to keep hydrating as we build the houses. We were able to build five houses this morning. David is on the wrapping crew and gets to sing and pray with all the families. It is an incredible experience. I was able to capture it on my camera and hope to be able to post it soon. Chad and I are on the framing crew, so we get to do a little bit of everything from making sure it is level to climbing on the roof to put in the rafters. It has been so neat to join with Haitians and totally change their lives. They go from living in a tent or some pile of rubble to a structure with beds and a roof, but more importantly we have seen people's lives changes for the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have lots of stories to tell, but I wanted to let everybody we are doing well. Please pray for our physical stamina, the heat and long days make it difficult. Not to mention the blisters and aching bones. However, to see the smile and joy the family has when we pray over a completed house somehow makes that all seem insignificant.

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